Kamis, 06 April 2017

0877728889991/ Bengkel Spesialis mobil matic Toyota.spesialis Transmisi Mobil Matic Toyota AVANZA. RUSH.ALPHARD.FORTUNERR.VIOS.ALTIC . AYLA.YARIS.servis transmisi matic Toyota.spesialis matic bekasi. Spesialis matic Toyota Bekasi. Jakarta. Bogor. Cirebon. Kuningan.

    Bengkel spesialis Matic Toyota. Servis transmisi matic Toyota( Berpengalaman dan Bergaransi ).
Info Service & Konsultasi Langsung Hub. DHELI ; 087772888991,082240814939 

DHELI JAYA MATIC adalah bengkel Spesialis Matic Toyota yang sudah berpengalaman dan terpercaya,dan tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat.Terima SErvice Mobil Panggilan, Teknisi Kami Berpengalaman ,Menghandle Mobil TOYOTA, Mobil Anda Akan Dikerjakan Oleh Montir Mobil Yang ahli  & Berpengalaman, SEMUA Mobil Matic Toyota Bisa Kami Service. Bengkel JUJUR Dan AMANAH.

There are costs and benefits to car use. The costs of car usage include the cost of: acquiring the vehicle, interest payments (if the car is financed), repairs and auto maintenance, fuel,depreciation, driving time, parking fees, taxes, and insurance.[5] The costs to society of car use include: maintaining roadsland useroad congestion, air pollution, public health, health care, and disposing of the vehicle at the end of its life. Road traffic accidents are the largest cause of injury-related deaths worldwide.[6]

Reservasi Service & Konsultasi
Silahkan Langsung Hub. Pak DHELI , 087772888991  , 082240814939
